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Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

Submit by March 1st, 2024 at 12:00 PM PST

The Okanogan Conservation District requests qualifications for survey services from interested consultants to conduct boundary and topographic surveys of the upper portion of the Chewuch Canal for the Chewuch Canal Piping Project. The project is located in Okanogan County in the Methow Valley above the town of Winthrop, Washington.

The consultant will perform, and mark on the ground, a boundary survey to define the easement for the Chewuch Canal Company. Title/easement reports will be provided by Okanogan CD.

The consultant will conduct and provide the data for a topographic survey of the upper portion of the Chewuch Canal Irrigation ditch from the diversion point on the Chewuch River to the terminus of the open ditch at the “Dempsy Drop” just above Pearrygin Lake State Park. The data will be used to create an engineering design for the piping of the ditch.

An electronic copy of the entire statement of qualifications must be submitted electronically to Jordana Ellis at

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