Submit RFQ before or by March 19th, 2025 at 4:30 PM PST

The Okanogan Conservation District is accepting statements of qualifications from professional law firms or individuals to provide legal services related to water law, contracting, and other matters related to Okanogan County Water Bank operations beginning upon selection on or around April 7, 2025.
The consultant will act as water bank legal counsel to the district. Legal counsel will provide representation, advice, and interpretation of federal and state laws as well as local ordinances. (Estimated average of 10 hours per month through December 31, 2025, then as needed.).
A statement of qualifications is due by 4:30 P.M., on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. The complete statement can be mailed or hand-delivered to Kim Kogler, Grants and Contracts Director addressed to USDA Service Center, 1251 2nd Ave. South, Room 102, Okanogan, WA 98840.
A statement of qualifications can also be submitted as an electronic copy (doc or pdf format) to
Full RFQ & Requirements:
Consideration will only be given to statements received in person through US Postal Service mail or electronically via e-mail before the date listed. All inquiries about this Request for Qualifications and current legal services received by the district, should be directed by e-mail to Kim Kogler, Grants and Contracts Director, at